Understanding the impact of sea level rise

Within 80 years, almost every community along Victoria’s coastline will be affected by sea-level rise, flooding or more dramatic storm surges, according to research commissioned by the Victorian Marine and Coastal Council.
Without further action, by 2100 the research finds rising sea levels and storm surges will cause more than $440 billion damage to properties, roads and environmental and agricultural assets in the state’s coastal and bay areas.
Analysis from Melbourne University and consulting firm Climate Risk found a host of adaptation measures are needed, ranging from natural and human-made barriers on coastlines, to ‘basic retreat’ of homes and buildings from near the coast.
The panel
- Jonathan Spear, Infrastructure Victoria CEO
- Anthony Boxshall, Chair for the Victorian Marine and Coastal Council
- Jodi Kennedy, Acting CEO of Bass Coast Shire Council
- Libby Mears, Chair of the Great Ocean Road Authority
- Topics
- Type
- Webinar
- Published
- 2023