Victoria’s draft 30-year infrastructure strategy 2025-2055

Thumbnail for Victoria’s draft 30-year infrastructure strategy 2025-2055

Every Victorian depends on infrastructure. They use roads or rail to reach work, study and services. They use public facilities and spaces to learn, play, exercise, socialise and receive care. And they depend on infrastructure to get energy and water to their homes, and to connect with each other by phone and internet. As Victoria’s population grows and changes, more Victorians will need to use many types of infrastructure.

Victoria's 30-year infrastructure strategy provides a practical plan for the policies, reforms and projects that can deliver many benefits to Victoria’s communities, economy and the environment over the coming decades.

It makes 43 draft recommendations and provides 7 future options to the Victorian Government on the state’s infrastructure priorities. This includes housing, energy, transport, health, social infrastructure and the environment.

The draft strategy recommendations aim to meet the infrastructure needs of current and future Victorians. They also recommend major changes to how the Victorian Government plans, builds and maintains infrastructure.

6 objectives help guide and structure the draft strategy

The draft recommendations and future options are grouped under 6 objectives:

  • Victorians have good access to housing, jobs, services and opportunities
  • Victorians are healthy and safe
  • Victoria has a thriving natural environment
  • Aboriginal people have self-determination and equal outcomes to other Victorians
  • Victoria is resilient to climate change and other future risks
  • Victoria has a high productivity and circular economy.

The objectives helped us prioritise the key issues for Victorians.  Each section has draft recommendations for the Victorian Government. Many recommendations meet multiple objectives.

Victoria’s 30-year infrastructure strategy is updated every 3 to 5 years

Infrastructure Victoria updates Victoria’s 30-year infrastructure strategy every 3 to 5 years. The final strategy will be tabled in the Victorian Parliament in late 2025. The Victorian Government is required to respond to our recommendations.

Help shape Victoria’s future infrastructure needs

The draft 30-year strategy has been prepared by our team of economists, land use planners, sector experts and social researchers. It uses the latest available data and new modelling.

It is also informed by community and stakeholder feedback, technical work and further evidence. It is independent, and evidence based.

We welcome your views on our draft recommendations and options.

Have your say now until Monday 28 April 2025.

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Supporting documents

Review of 2021 recommendations

Technical document


Thumbnail for Review of 2021 recommendations

Victoria's energy transition risks and mitigation actions

Technical document


Thumbnail for Victoria's energy transition risks and mitigation actions

Energy transition analysis

Technical document


Thumbnail for Energy transition analysis