Strategy objectives engagement report 2023

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Shaping Victoria’s 30-year infrastructure strategy

This report explains how we engaged with the community to shape objectives for Victoria’s infrastructure strategy 2025-2055. 

We worked with community members, First Peoples, regional Victorians, young people and sector stakeholders to understand their priorities.  

People told us they want us to focus on: 

  • climate change 
  • water 
  • transport 
  • doing more with less 
  • better social equity

Based on this feedback, we developed 6 objectives to guide the update of the 30-year strategy: 

  • Victoria has a high productive and circular economy. 
  • Aboriginal people have self-determination and equal outcomes to other Victorians. 
  • Victorians are healthy and safe. 
  • Victoria is resilient to climate change and other future risks. 
  • Victorians have good access to housing, jobs, services and opportunities. 
  • Victoria has a thriving natural environment.  
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Engagement report