Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan

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The Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) outlines how Infrastructure Victoria will work to further reconciliation and self-determination for Victoria’s First Peoples.

It is formally endorsed by Reconciliation Australia as part of its Reconciliation Action Plan program. Infrastructure Victoria joins a network of more than 3,000 corporate, government, and not-for-profit organisations that have made a formal commitment to reconciliation through the RAP program.

The Reflect RAP outlines actions Infrastructure Victoria will take over 18 months to embed the purpose and principles of reconciliation into our workplace culture. It aims to support a more inclusive workplace that recognises the diversity of Victoria’s population.

The document reflects on our engagement with Victoria’s First Peoples and acknowledges that at times we could have done better. First Peoples stakeholders told us they want to see our commitment to reconciliation and self-determination better reflected in our work and how we engage with them.

The plan commits us to increasing our understanding of the issues that matter to First Peoples, build strong relationships founded on respect, and create more opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Key actions

The actions outlined in the Reflect RAP are:

1. Establish and strengthen mutually beneficial relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and organisations.

2. Build relationships through celebrating National Reconciliation Week (NRW).

3. Promote reconciliation through our sphere of influence.

4. Promote positive race relations through anti-discrimination strategies.

5. Increase understanding, value and recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories, knowledge, and rights through cultural learning.

6. Demonstrate respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by observing cultural protocols.

7. Build respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories by celebrating NAIDOC Week.

8. Improve employment outcomes by increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander recruitment, retention, and professional development.

9. Increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander supplier diversity to support improved economic and social outcomes.

10. Establish and maintain an effective RAP Working Group (RWG) to drive governance of the RAP.

11. Provide appropriate support for effective implementation of RAP commitments.

12. Build accountability and transparency through reporting RAP achievements, challenges, and learnings both internally and externally.

13. Continue our reconciliation journey by developing our next RAP.

File format and size
Corporate document