Victoria’s 30-year infrastructure strategy update
Infrastructure Victoria is preparing the next update of the state’s 30-year infrastructure strategy.
We asked Victorians to help set the objectives for the 2025 strategy update, define the major infrastructure challenges and opportunities, and propose infrastructure options and policies that address them.
Engagement on the strategy objectives was open to Victorians from February to June 2023. More than 500 individuals, groups and organisations took part in the first phase of the strategy engagement program.
More than 270 people completed a survey on their infrastructure needs and priorities. Our engagement partner MosaicLab prepared a supporting report that outlined the survey results and what they told us about how Victorians assess different and competing future options. 115 people and organisations responded to our call for ideas and written submissions.
We held 14 workshops in May to engage with stakeholders from infrastructure sectors and from regions across Victoria. These workshops focused on strategic infrastructure challenges and opportunities facing stakeholders and how shared challenges can manifest differently in rural and regional Victoria compared to Melbourne.
We ran a deliberative engagement forum for 39 young people aged 15 to 25. The forum provided an opportunity for participants to learn about and discuss the challenges and priorities for infrastructure over the next 30 years. MosaicLab facilitated the forum and prepared a report outlining its process and outcomes. The report also includes the 10 ‘big ideas’ participants formed to address the challenges they identified along with their views on what should feature in the 30-year strategy. Watch our short video summary from the day.
The Strategy objectives engagement report summarises what we heard from stakeholders, community members and young people through this first phase of engagement.
We are also working with First Peoples including Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations to hear their perspectives and the goals important to them. This is part of an ongoing conversation to integrate Victorian First Peoples’ perspectives into the updated infrastructure strategy, and better understand First Peoples perspectives on all our work.
Infrastructure Victoria records and analyses all the information we receive. We will summarise and share the feedback in coming months and we have published ideas and submissions, where we have permission to do so.
Community and stakeholder feedback, along with technical assessments and additional evidence, will inform Victoria’s draft 30-year infrastructure strategy.
Victorians can provide feedback on the draft strategy when it is released in early 2025, and we will tell you how community and stakeholder input shaped the objectives and strategy update.
The 30-year infrastructure strategy is updated every 3 to 5 years and tabled in the Victorian Parliament. The Victorian Government is required to respond to our recommendations.