Llewellyn Reynders

Director Research and Policy

Llewellyn Reynders

Llewellyn Reynders co-leads Infrastructure Victoria’s Research and Policy team, specialising in research areas such as urban productivity, social equity and the impact of climate change on infrastructure.

Llewellyn joined Infrastructure Victoria in 2019 as the Manager Strategy and Policy, coordinating the development of recommendations for projects, policies and reforms and the delivery of Victoria’s infrastructure strategy 2021–2051. The state’s second integrated, cross-sectoral infrastructure strategy was tabled in the Victorian Parliament in August 2021. 

Llewellyn was previously policy manager at the Victorian Council of Social Service, where he advocated for reducing poverty in Victoria. He has held leadership and policy roles in other government and not-for-profit organisations. He has a Master of Social Policy from the University of Melbourne, and a Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Science from the Australian National University.

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Jonathan Spear

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Jill Riseley AM

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Mandy Frostick

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Eloise Modun

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Victoria Thaine

Director Corporate & People and Culture